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Individuals & Families

Find out more about our services for individuals and their families, including diagnoses and assessments, therapy and counselling, support in educational settings and training for families in crisis management and more.


We offer a range of services and resources for professionals in the caring industry, including training in crisis management, support with stress and coping, and free resources for professional development.


At Studio 3, we work with organisations who support individuals in assisted living, residential, hospital or community settings, as well as with mainstream and specialist schools. Find out how we can support you below.

The Atlass Programme


Studio 3 is an independent organisation which provides a range of clinical and coaching services for individuals and organisations. Founded in the 1990s, Studio 3 promotes the ideals, philosophies and benefits of positive psychology and Low Arousal Approaches.

We are the originators of the Low Arousal Approach, a non-aversive approach to managing distress, which encourages stress reduction and de-escalation, with a focus on the behaviour of supporters. Whilst we specialise in supporting professionals and families to best support children and adults with autism, intellectual disabilities and a range of other conditions, we also provide training and coaching in a number of areas including for teachers in educational environments and for residential and foster carers, as well as clinical services such as diagnostic assessments and one-to-one therapy for children and adults.

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What is the Low Arousal Approach?

The Low Arousal Approach enables professionals, carers and family members to accept and manage distressed and challenging behaviours when they arise, and equips them with the tools to create systems of support around individuals to manage stress and trauma. The approach empowers the individual or team to focus on the ‘person’ in the situation, identify causes for distressed behaviour, and use proven Low Arousal skills to reduce distress and improve overall well-being.

At Studio 3, we are strongly anti-restraint and never advocate the use of restrictive practices in care environments. Whilst we sometimes teach gentle physical skills on a case-by-case basis, we will never teach prone or supine restraint holds and do not sanction seclusion of any kind.

Our aim is to give carers the skills they need to manage challenging behaviours without situations escalating to crisis levels, subsequently improving environments and developing more positive relationships between supporters and individuals. After receiving training or clinical inputs from our team, staff report feeling more confident in the workplace, less stressed, and more positive about their relationships with the children and adults they support.

If you would like more information about our services, or to speak to a member of our team, contact us.

Our Services

Mental Health and Well-Being Supports

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At Studio 3, our highly experienced clinicians provide clinical inputs such as integrated psychology, specialist behavioural support, psychological health and psychotherapy services to a wide range of sectors (e.g. intellectual disabilities, autism, children’s services, ABI, mental health and the elderly) throughout the UK and several European countries.


Our clinical team provide a positive focus on psychological well-being and positive interventions. To achieve this, we adopt a holistic approach to supporting individuals, ranging from ‘one-on-one’ therapies to providing specialist psychological supervision and coaching support. We also carry out a variety of assessments, including autism diagnostic assessments and specialist assessments.

News and Events

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Read our blog, sign up for our newsletter, or listen back to some of our recent webinars on topics such as restraint reduction, making meaning from traumatic experiences, finding connections with non-speaking individuals, and many more. Our free web events run every month for  families and professionals. 

Training and Coaching


Studio 3 trainers specialise in crisis management training for individuals working with adults and children who struggle with a range of issues across the life span, from autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to intellectual disabilities. Our courses are founded upon applied academic research and carried out by specialists within residential homes, day centres, schools and educational settings, respite care homes and hospital settings.

We have a number of training options dependent on the needs of the individual or organisation, including Low Arousal Training, Managing Signs of Distress, Atlass, the LASER Approach,  Trauma-Informed Care Training for foster carers and residential children’s services, and our Train the Trainer scheme.


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Access a wealth of resources including academic articles, practitioner reflections, and educational videos from members of the Studio 3 team and our associates. Find out more about the Low Arousal Approach, the science behind stress reduction, flow states, and much more. 

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